
Cataract Surgery

Cataract is clouding of the lens that can affect one or both the eyes. It doesn’t spread from one eye to the other. As we age, some proteins clump together, and cloud your lens, which forms cataract. If you leave it unattended, it tends to grow and becomes harder to see. There are several reasons of cataract, and regular smoking, diabetes, exposure to UV rays are some common reasons.
Cataract can affect your vision in adversely over the years. The age related cataract can either reduce the sharpness of the images you see, or the lens turns yellow/brown, making it difficult for you to see. You must know that cataract can hit anyone, and age-related cataract doesn’t necessarily mean that you might develop cataract only if you are a senior citizen. However, it affects vision only in your 60s. You must go the best eye clinic in Delhi NCR as soon as you start developing cataract.

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You must visit the best cataract surgeon in Delhi NCR if you see any of these symptoms, and get the right treatment for the same.



Cataract is removed surgically and is replaced by the intraocular if the lens tends to affect your vision. This is also done if your day to day activities are hindered because of the cataract, like watching TV, driving, reading etc.


Cataract removal is one of the most common surgeries, and you can get it done from the best cataract surgeon in Delhi to get the right treatment of the same. It is indeed one of the safest surgeries, and 90% of the people end up having a better vision quality.


You can delay cataract if you wear sunglasses and a hat to keep the UV rays at bay, and avoid cataract. You must also avoid smoking and start having a healthy nutritious diet. Your diet should have foods that are rich in antioxidants.


Cataract surgery is a very quick procedure, and you are most likely to be done in 15-20 minutes. The advancement in technology has become possible for the cataract patients to go back home soon after their surgery.
You will arrive at i-Tek vision centre about 60 minutes prior to your procedure, when you will be checked in and prepared for surgery. You will meet your eye surgeon. Just before the operation begins, you will receive eye medicine to numb the eye and dilate the pupil.
We at itek vision centre are committed to give our best so we are now equipped with advanced surgical armamentarium that can perform cataract surgery by MICS(micro-incision cataract surgery) technology wherein we remove the cataractous lens through a minimal 2.2 mm incision using phacoemulsification(i.e. sound waves to break the lens followed by and gentle suction of the fragments). This is replaced by an artificial foldable lens which are available in variable powers, sizes, quality and design. The opening is self sealing and does not require any stitches.

We specialize in offering-

Your ophthalmologist will discuss the options of intraocular lens implants available and likewise suggest you the best possible lens according your needs.